Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frustrating Day with Son...

Well, this morning went pretty good. He got up within a few minutes of me asking him to. Today he was supposed to get up 15 min. earlier, so that would be 5:45 am because he had his anger fits the day before. So he has been doing good the past couple days getting up and getting ready. I went to Kmart after I picked up Jessica at 11:25 am from Neutra. I went there to look for a new phone with a couple cordless phones cause the one upstairs does not work. Very frustrating when someone calls and I can not hear them because of all the static! So I carefully picked out a phone and then looked around for some winter things. I can tell Jessica was getting tired. We went back on base. I first got gas, cause it was running low, and then we were just in time to pick up Devin from Akers at 4pm. He has Homework Club after school. Well, he was not there, and I was getting kind of worried. I went in and asked this little girl if it was out and she said it was...then went to look and see if the class was out and no one was in sight. The school was closing. The principal even paged him. So I thought he might have gone home, and skipped the Homework Club. He was outside our house at the picnic table with some little kid...his book bad and binder thrown on the ground and grass in front of the driveway! Urrr. I asked him why he didn't go to Homework Club and he said he didn't have any homework. Probably something I should have taken lightly (or maybe not), but I was furious. He got mad and stormed into the house...The little kid squealed on him and said he called me "stupid." I don't know if he did or not. Then I found out he tried to get in through the back gate, cause he left it wide open...Shelby (our little dog) smelt some other dog poop...and I said ewww. That is nasty. Some other dog pooped on our back lawn. I was mad at my son cause he wasn't where he was supposed to be, and I was gone out into town and so he was home outside for the last hour! Well, I guess that sucks for him! But then I found no books in his backpack, and he usually brings them all home. This sounds peculiar. I had him do some dishes (his usual chore), and everything was fine.

Jessica went to play with her friend Max outside and some other kids and they came in and said there was a baby butterfly on the table. I was on the phone with my aunt at the time...I was asking what they wanted me to do. I gave them a cup and a paper towel to cover it. And continued my conversation with my aunt. My son asks me if he could play a game on the PS3, and I said alright (not thinking much) because he had been grounded from all games for the longest time ever since he got 3 D's on his Progress Report. Two of them went up, but he still needs to improve the other one. It is in Writing Lab and he needs to improve his capitalizing, punctuation, etc. in reading some of his work, he still writes like a 2nd grader...but he is in Junior High now, so he needs to be more responsible for his work. Not mommy always calling his teachers for help, etc.

Well, when I got off the phone with my aunt, I resumed making dinner and asked him what all that commotion was that he was doing. He was looking in the compartment that we keep the Video Game controllers and chargers, and throwing them all around cause he couldn't find what he wanted. He said, " Why do you always put the PS3 charger upstairs?" I said don't talk to me like that, I am your mother. Ask your dad that, cause he probably did. We just hooked up the Playstation to our old t.v. and can now play dvd's and games with it. He just goes off yelling at me. So I told him to immediately get off the game...he is done. He says he doesn't care...he always says that. He doesn't care about anything cause he is always getting things taken away from him. What are we supposed to do? Forgive him? He is mad at us for disciplining him all the time...he must think we are the meanest parents in the world cause we keep him on tight strings. Ha. Well, if you knew our child like we do, you would see why. Most people see him when he is on his medicine, but in the evenings, it wears off. He hasn't been liking to do what I ask him to do either. OMG. If we have a bad morning, he is out the door. See ya later...he can walk to school. It is only like a 5 min. drive...I usually drive him cause of all his books, but I don't tolerate his mouth in the morning, or ever. It urks me when I see some parents let their kid get away with a lot. And then my kids see that and wonder why I discipline them...I watch what my kids eat...and don't buy things that they will binge on or steal...we had a problem (and still have it) with Devin..urg. He will sneak snacks up to his bedroom before bed and eat them and have all these wrappers by his bed hiding. He even lied to our face about it when I saw him trying to open it. I do not get Pop Tarts any more because he can not resist "stealing" one. I don't know why he can't just ask for it. He will even go to the bathroom in the morning before school, and after eating breakfast, quickly eat it and hide it in the bathroom trash can. I have caught him in the act. I will ask him what he is doing in there, and he would say, "oh, nothing." I would hear him doing something. Then after he leaves, I would find it in the trash. Oh boy, would he get in trouble when he gets home. I only let them have 2 Halloween candies a day, unless they are being especially good. I caught Devin being good today, so I said that he could have 4 pieces.

Well, anyways, my husband didn't come home till about 7pm from work. I was so mad at Devin. What can I do with my angry child? He says that he can not control his anger and that other people make him angry. I said he can control it. He just chooses not to. He didn't want to talk about it either. Sometimes I have him draw or wite in his journal, but I didn't feel like bringing it up. I needed to cool down myself. I have had lack of sleep the past couple of days. I am so tired. So I thought of a different solution. He had to write, " I will listen to my mom and dad," 50 times with capitalization and puntuation right, or he had to do it over again. After he was done, he said it was a workout. I think he enjoyed it and it let out his frustration and took his mind off things. This is when Jason came home. He had no clue what was going on.

Earlier before the kids came home, I had a goldfish that came down with Dropsy, so I took it out to treat it with some medicine I had. Wasn't sure which meds to give it though. I also had another fish that had a big tumor by it's eye, and it had been there for a long while, getting bigger and smaller. Well, I read that there is nothing you can do about the tumor, but I read something else that this person tried. I put them in two separte things...these were big fish, so the containers were kind of small for them. But as soon as I put them in, they turned upside down. I was sad. I tried to help them. Well Jason came home and saw them dead, and thought they died on their own, but they had a little help *oops*. Well, it was time for everyone to go to bed now...Jason and I talked for afew minutes while we tried to figure out the new phone that I got from Kmart. Then he took a shower and went to bed. That is what our day consists of...a few min. together and busy, busy, busy. Holy cow, my 34th birthday is tomorrow..had to think about that one cause I am forgetting how old I am...Well, I will consider the phone my present, cause I know we never really celebrate our birthdays, but the kids. Well, TTFN!