Friday, November 12, 2010

Well, it has happened again...

Hey, don't know why this is happening to me...or why I can't handle stress. I had a nervous breakdown this morning. Had to drive the kids to school anyways. Luckily at Jess' school I saw a couple of my friends there. Ann and Liberty. Ann had something to do, so I asked her if she can tell Liberty I needed her (which was right in front of me in her car). At that point I had the slurred speech and could not get out what I was trying to say. I could barely even see. I managed to pull over aside Liberty and broke down crying. I couldn't communicate, but just said jibberish. I think she understood somewhat. She took me back to my house in her car. She is a RN and well she thinks it is it something that is stressing me out so much that makes me this way? Please someone tell me. All that was stressing me out this morning was that I have this all the time and don't know what to do about it. Nothing else is on my mind. My anxiety before was terrible...but different symptoms. I still could not walk, but I didn't feel paralyzed and I could talk. I didn't have vision problems. I had worry a lot about everything. I was afraid of going places and name a few. But now, I am only afraid of those things because of these symptoms. I feel so angry and helpless. I saw that people online had these same things happen to them and no one has had an answer for them either. God please help them and help me to find a answer. I am afraid to go to the docs still cause they can't help me. My friend Liberty thinks I need blood pressure meds. It ranges from 140-150 over 80-90 something when I am up and around. I took a nap today and it went down to 131 over 80 something but my pulse was still over 100 and I hadn't smoked. My husband thinks it is something else. It feels like a stroke. What would mimic that? Or what would mimic anxiety symptoms? Well, those are the questions for the day...glad I am writing this all out, cause I need to talk about it. Maybe that is why I felt like blowing up this morning.