Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now my mood swings...

Well, I have a sick child today, so have to get a doctors note to say I am not lying about it, lol. When I was driving him there, he started puking in the van and we had to go home and they gave me a hard time about rescheduling it..but we did.

I have been so good about controlling my mood swings, but today was the worst. I am so irritated that I could see myself kicking the dog if he didn't shut up or see myself getting violent. Anyone talking or any noise will set me off. I thought it was my monthly coming along, but hubby informed me that I had it before he left...my memory is not so good. So I feel like going to my room and not talking to anyone so I won't offend others if I get too snappy on them.. I noticed it was coming on the last few days, but didn't realize. So now I don't feel like doing crap today, but I have to. How do you manage Bipolar without medicine? Is it impossible?

I feel like a rage is going through me..Please don't talk to me or something might happen... I am unable to control it right now..No one knows what is going on in my head. Well, I was reading on how to manage it and seems like I need to get a lot more sleep than I am now to manage it. Then there is the exersize part..need to manage the stress. I think I can do this..after the rage part sets in, then comes the low part where I get depressed and that is happening now..I wish it could just be my period where it comes and then goes...not this time..