Monday, January 17, 2011

Sorry it has been so long...

So we are into the new year now and still need to pack away the Christmas tree...we have everything else packed and put away...Jason is on a 3 wk. det in El Centro and won't be back for another couple of weeks! We have had our tough times since he has been has been rough and he has been only gone a week. They say that as soon as your hubby leaves, that is when things startbto happen Well, that is true. Already the van had issues with the radiator, and had to be taken to 2 different shops before it was properly is hard to find someone you can trust with your vehicle..and I think I have found them! :)

Oh, the things that can happen as soon as he leaves...the van has troubles, Jessica looses her 1st tooth at 6 years old, Jessica passed her sight word exam and got 35/40 right, Devin got an A on his book report that he did by himself, and his grade moved up to a C, and Jason and I have this challenge to see if he can make an effort to contact me more while he is gone, whether it be email, phone or text. So far, he is doing great! We just need to work on our communication...we had a couple times of misscommunication and had a fight...I would try to give him the silent treatment, but it WOULD NOT work for the life of me, lol. I can not NOT talk to him if my life depended on it, cause I could never stay mad at him for that long...this is how our love is, and why it lasts...sure, I feel like I never gat a break from him, even when he does leave, but it is hard to not hear his voice every day.

I can't believe that he will be going to Key West in February, and then in March also..Such is the navy life. He takes his Chief exam this Thursday which will ultimately decide our fate of the future...who knows if he will still be in the navy, or if we will be packing getting ready to go on a long journey to our new destination and new chapter in our life! This has been a crazy life full of ups and downs, and I am super glad that I got to spend it all with loves, my passion, my world...

I am super hapy that I don't have to deal with all that medicine that I was was totally making me into a person I didn't want to be. The only medicine I am on is Synthroid, and I am also starting to take some vitamins to help me with energy! I take Green Tea, Omega 3's, vitamin D and Iron, as suggested by my thyroid doctor! I feel like I am a whole new person now and stronger. I haven't had any panic attacks to deal with, and I have dealt with them for years! I have gone to the mall, and other stores, and to the movies all without hubby and did it all on my own without anxiety.. I have even dealt with homelife with me and the kids (and the pets)..The kids bickering is endless (as a matter-of-fact, they are doing it right now! LOL). I even quit smoking and I should be more nervous, but I am new motive is to just not think about it, and to think positive! I am not saying that I don't have anxious thoughts once in a while..they do happen..I am just dealing with it better!

So I am ready to get down and boogy with 2011 and take on even more challenges...thinking about going back to school so I can get a job wherever we decide to I can help out with money..